telling rimes beeth a handy skill to hold in life!

mid rimes, þu canst tell þe fingers on þy hand, and sceep hwen þu sleep!

and luckilic for þee, rimes in anglisc cling near to þe rimes of latter day englisc.

or so it seemeþ...

mine anglisc rimes

on þe underreddit, ic haf seen a few writs abute hu þe way we tell rimes from twenty to one hundred miht be swayed by frenc.

so instead of saying twenty one, þu must say, one and twenty. after one and twenty, 'tis two and twenty, and so forþ until þirty, hwereby þu sayst all tenþ rimes like forty, fifty, and sixty, as said in latter day englisc.

and ones þu getst to nine and ninety, one hundred stayeþ þe same, and þu may deem þyself a telling maister!